Agenda process

Home > Functions > Agenda process

  • Proposal
    one fifth of the registered members or a governor of local government
  • Reporting to the general meeting
    Reporting a submitted agendum to the general meeting(omitting during opening/recess)
  • Determination/submission of committee
    The chairperson or steering committee determines the competent committee and submits it
  • Review by committee
    After listening to a proposer's explanation and review of special member, an agendum is reviewed and resolved and submitted to the general meeting.
  • Reporting to the general meeting
    A chairperson of a related committee shall report the progress, background, contents and results to the general meeting
  • Resolution of the general meeting
    Voting after discussion at the meeting(questions and answers, consent/opposition)
  • Transfer & proclamation
    The resolved agendum is transferred to a governor of local government(5 days for ordinance, 3 days for budget plan) while the governor should proclaim it within 20 days.