Steering Committee

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The council holds three standing committees such as steering committee, depending on the

jurisdiction while committees process agenda such as proposals, petition process and civil

application. Every member, except for the chairperson, should be a member of standing committee while being a member of the

steering committee simultaneously.

A special committee is organized to review and process a special agendum. The committee keeps one chairperson,

who is elected in it and reports to the general meeting. The duration of special committee shall be until resolved at the

general meeting and his/her term of office is as same as the member
  • No. of members : 2
  • Chairperson :Kim Jungsook
  • Vice Chairperson : Kim Kwanyong
  • Members : Kim Haewon, Park Sojun, Kim Kangjung, Cho Youngmi, Han Hyungchul, Hong Youngsub
Pertinent bureaus/departments
Matters of steering, bureau, organizing of special committee, rules of meeting and other rules relating to steering